Affiliate Alternate Landing Pages
In most instances, the main Hoplink landing page is what you will still want for traditional affiliate promotions, especially PPC ads, since the main landing page is optimized for "cold" traffic.
The main landing page serves as a nice "warmup" for the reader instead of jumping right to the sales copy. That's because we're delivering five video lessons that teach how to build tactical muscle, for free.
However, with that said, there are many savvy affiliates that are doing their own presells on their own websites, blogs, or newsletters and want to land their Hoplink directly on a certain page, such as an Interrogation Interview page, or just send them straight to the sales letter before getting the option to buy (since they're doing their own preselling).
How to Set Up and Use “Affiliate Alternate Landing Pages”…
Follow these simple instructions to create your HopLink
The current standard ClickBank HopLink format is:
TACTICALX is the vendor (product) name, so that looks like this:
So now, all you have to do is insert YOUR ClickBank affiliate nickname in the place where the XXXXX is located.
For example, if your affiliate nickname is TREY123 (note: use YOUR nickname, this is just an example), then the HopLink would look like this:
Alternate Landing Page Options...
Sales Pages
Tactical Bodyweight Workouts
Learn-By-Doing Pages
How to Do More Pullups
20-Minute Muscle
Webinar Training Pages
Free Webinar Training with Tim Tang
Interrogation Interview Pages
Stew Smith Interrogation Interview
Matthew “Griff” Griffin Interrogation Interview
Clayton “Monkey” Montgomery Interrogation Interview
Feel free to contact us should you have any difficulties. But we have a little bit more to cover, so let's finish up.
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